🪙$ANB use cases before the launch
$ANB use cases before the launch
Last updated
$ANB use cases before the launch
Last updated
Character levels can be upgraded with Aniborgs tokens from level 1 to level 10. Upon registration, every user will receive a free level 1 character, which can be upgraded to level 10. Minting a character will incur a cost of 2 Matic tokens. For details on the upgrade costs for each level, please refer to the 'Upgrade Costs' page
NFT level upgrades with tokens - every NFT starts at level 10. Users can enhance the NFT's power and profitability by upgrading its level through token investments. This function will be available from 1 October 2023, For details on the upgrade costs for each level, please refer to the 'Upgrade Costs' page
Users can name their characters, and this function will be available by the end of October 2023
NFT Skills - Every NFT will come with skills that enhance their power and increase their chances of winning competitions. Users will have the flexibility to improve these skills with tokens as they see fit
Competition Fee - To compete with NFT characters, users must pay 0.2 tokens per competition. Currently, the fee is the same for each level and rarity. In the future, based on our app statistics, there will be different fees for different NFTs